
marți, 30 martie 2010

Some kind of Moon, some kind of Sun...

Am avut o noua comanda de brose, si pentru ca acest accesoriu nu prea ma caracterizeaza, le-am facut sa poata fi purtate si ca pandant.
Materiale: sarma argint 925, opalit fatetat - sfere si rondele, piatra soarelui negru-albastra - sfere 8mm.

Idee preluata si adaptata

2 comentarii:

  1. I like very much this hair pins. It's very a simple design creative but beautiful it show's a brightnes.

  2. Thanks a lot, Rafael, they are not exactly hairpins but brooches or pendants, but I think they can be used also as hairpins, It's another ideea of their multifunctionality :)
